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Fluidapps Video

How Fluidapps fills the Gap in the enterprise software development market

Fluidapps is a new and innovative way to develop custom enterprise software applications using a simple, intuitive and flexible approach. It fills the market gap between complicated software development tools and the simplicity of a spreadsheet. If you can use a spreadsheet, you can develop applications in Fluidapps. View video

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Fluidapps seamlessly combines an integrated development and application environment that can create rich, robust and scalable enterprise applications using a natural and simplistic point-and-click approach. Application development and usage is combined within a single environment for high productivity. Read More

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The enterprise application market is full of complaints about the size, complexity and cost of software. Companies are being crushed under the weight of software. Fluidapps simplifies software and eliminates the need to build volumes of complicated code by compressing all enterprise navigation activities into a single device; filling the gap between complicated development tools and the spreadsheet. Read More

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Fluidapps was specifically designed to simplify the development of enterprise software applications by maximizing the re-use of code using new innovative and unique patented technology called Singular Polymorphic Software. This new technology combines all screen navigation into a single device, making it easy to learn and use. Read More

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The Fluidapps product is currently under development and seeking investment partners in several industries to share the patented technology within their specific vertical software market. Read More